0116 230 2626
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The Bell Ringers



We are a mixed group, made up of experienced, newer and learning ringers, both male and female and a variety of ages. We regularly ring for Sunday services and, as required, other special events, such as Festival services, including Christmas and Easter, weddings, marking national events, the annual Remembrance Sunday and welcoming in the New Year. Our current ambitions are to both increase our numbers, including from those interested young people who are currently at school or college, and to improve our ringing skills so that we have both depth of cover for all occasions and also increase the pool of ringers for the future in Rothley and elsewhere.


  • Ringing is fun and well within the capabilities of most people;
  • No special skills are necessary, but you will need to be able to lift your arms above your head and, in our church, be able to get up to the ringing chamber. (This means climbing a stone spiral staircase  and, of course, be able to climb down again; the equivalent each way of two flights of stairs at home).
  • Young people from about 10 yrs + and adults of all ages can learn to ring.
  • You do not need to be musical, mathematical or strong – ringing requires no greater strength than many day-to-day household activities.
  • It is not necessary to be a churchgoer, but you would be expected, when available, to ring for church services as well as attend the weekly practice.


  • Ringing will keep you active: physically, mentally and socially – a gentle workout with physical exercise and mental stimulation: burning calories, toning muscles and relieving stress.
  • The Band is a friendly group, always keen to welcome newcomers and its a great way to meet new people.
  • It is enjoyable and satisfying with continual opportunities for experiencing new achievements and boosting soft skills: teamwork, leadership, co-ordination, concentration, listening and analytical. (Great for the CV). A ‘friendly warning’ – it can become a lifelong interest!
  • It is inexpensive and an all-weather year-round activity.
  • You will be helping to maintain both a centuries old traditional skill and contribute to the present day soundscape heard throughout the village.


Everyone learns at different rates. To become proficient in ringing a bell unsupervised and ringing as part of the team is likely to take several months, but there are lots of stages and successes on the way.

WHEN AND WHY ARE THE BELLS RUNG? The bells are rung to call people to worship each Sunday between 10.30 and 11.00am except the first Sunday in the month when it is 9:00 to 9:30am. You may well have also heard them during the weekly practice on a Thursday evening (7.30pm to 9.00pm).

The bells are also rung throughout the year to mark important occasions in the lives of individuals, the church and the nation, such as:

  • Joyfully at weddings;
  • Special services for Christian festivals, including Christmas and Easter;
  • Ringing out the old year and celebrating the start of the new year;
  • Major national events, such as the death and funeral of the late HM Queen Elizabeth II and the Proclamation of King Charles III;
  • Half-muffled as a mark of respect to the fallen on Remembrance Sunday


There are six bells, five of which were cast in 1784, with the heaviest (called the tenor) bell weighing 11cwt, 2 stone and 19lbs (580Kg) and a diameter of 41.4” (104.51cm).

The lightest (treble) bell was added in 1934, weighs 5 cwt, 0 stone and 18 lbs. (262 Kg) and has a diameter of 28.5” (72.39cm).


If you think you may be interested in learning to ring, have a try, or simply come and have a look round, please speak to or leave a message with the Parish Administrator: 0116 2302626; e mail: welcome@rothleychurch.org.uk  and a ringer will get back to you to make the necessary arrangements. You will be very welcome.

(If you are a young person (ie under 16 years of age), we ask that an appropriate adult accompany you, at least in the first instance – and they may even decide to stay and learn themselves!!)

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