Men's Groups

Men's groups photo gallery

Rothley Church Men's Group (RCMG)

The aim of the RCMG is to offer the opportunity to all men to meet in fellowship: sharing and learning from life’s experiences and seeking to further develop their understanding of The Gospel and its relevance in today’s world. 


Next Event

Monday 17th Feb -  Mens Group - "The Story So Far" by Fred Sleath

Future Events

Monday March 17th - Skittles - The Wheatsheaf - Thurmaston

Monday 7th April - The Samaritans - Andy Whittaker - Old School Rooms

Monday May 19th - Rev Nigel Elliot - Old School Rooms

Monday June 16th - Walk

Monday July 21st - Petanque - The Woodies

Monday August 18th BBQ - Old School Rooms



Previous event: Monday 25th November

Harry Longman - Stepping into the unknown: my business story, connecting patients with their GP.

Our guest speaker this evening is Harry Longman, who has been a very active member of the Parish Church for many years.
Harry has not moved far from where he was born in Sheffield and went to school mostly in Birmingham. He grew up with much Church of England, his father and mother's father were both vicars! Despite this he became a Christian in his teens and was involved with the school and later college Christian Unions. On the strength of occasionally mending his bike and mum's washing machine, he read Engineering at Cambridge University.

His first job was at Rolls-Royce in Derby, where he made little impression on the manufacture of aero-engines of the RB211 family, but Alison whom he met at St Peter's church made quite an impression on him, eventually agreeing to marry him and then taking him away to Southampton. He managed to get a job with an attached car, a white Ford Mondeo with a clip on black plastic rear spoiler thing! Woo.

Moving back to Nottingham and later Cossington he continued in manufacturing industry with studies at Cranfield and making things such as air handling units, until 2000 when engineering in the traditional sense left

him. His forties were bumbling about hither and thither with some intriguing points of interest but in no particular direction.
He then worked in NHS primary care management for a couple of years, and while nothing much happened (beyond the odd case of fraud) a line of research emerged which became suddenly very interesting, and launched the next stage of what might be called a "career" in the sense of a vehicle rolling down a hill out of control.

So that's what Harry will spend most time talking about, how an off beat innovation in Quorn developed into the norm for millions of patients needing help from their GP.

This promises to be a fascinating and enlightening evening. Please try and come along and support Harry and if at all possible, try and bring a guest.

Future Events
December 17th 2024 – Social – Chippy Night

February 17th 2025 – Speaker – to be confirmed

March 17th 2025 – Social – details TBA


Previous events


The Rothley Church Men’s group (RCMG) generally meet on the third Monday evening most months, for lively conversation with guest speakers. If you would like to join us or find out about our future events, please contact a member of the organising committee.

Organising Committee

John Bragg

Rafe Cherry

0780 171 4256

Eric Hissett

Jerry Pilbeam

Nigel Willey

Let us know what you think
The organising committee are always looking for ways to improve and enhance the meetings. If you have any comments or suggestions for future events, speakers or subjects please pass them on to any of the organising committee.
RCMG is keen to use email to advertise meetings, etc. If you would like to take advantage of this, please let Rafe Cherry know by email and then you can be added to the distribution list.

Our last event was a walk led by Ken Arkley on Monday 19 August from the Old Bulls Head, Woodhouse Eves. Here are some pictures;

In September we will be restarting our program of events - keep watching this page for details.

The 'Men’s Breakfast’ group

We meet in the on a Saturday morning from 7:30-9:00am on the first Saturday of each month.. We enjoy a full English breakfastand spend time discussing a Bible passage and praying for one another. It is a chance for young men with bust work and family lives that would struggle to get to evening Bible studies to support and encourage each other as followers of Jesus Christ

To book a place at the next breakfast or to be added to the Men’s Breakfast mailing list phone or email Malcolm Cook. 

We hold occasional Breakfasts in the Old School Rooms and invite a speaker.

Rothley Church Men's Group (RCMG)


The group was originally named Men Behaving Acceptably (MBA) by the founders of the group, loosely based on a TV series at the time and intended to have several meanings (even academic!), but the informality of the meetings often bring a smile to the face of those who remember the TV sitcom with a slightly different title. Whilst maintaining the original objectives and style of the group it was renamed Rothley Church Men’s Group (RCMG) at the start of 2016. The group celebrated twenty years since its formation with a Twentieth Anniversary Dinner held on 21st October 2016 (see photo gallery), with guest speaker Right Reverend Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds

Established to bring the “blokes” together in our Church in 1995, the group was born to offer the opportunity for men to meet in fellowship: sharing and learning from life’s experiences and seeking to further develop their understanding of the gospel and its relevance in today’s world.

For further information about the RCMG please email the Church office.

Past Events

Songs and Tales with Jonathan Veira

RCMG hosted a special evening of Songs and Tales, an unforgettable evening with international singer and raconteur Jonathan Veira on Saturday 9th March 2019 at Rothley Primary Academy. Proceeds from the event were donated to the Soar Valley local community food project and local charities.

Songs and Tales with Jonathan Veira







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