UPDATE 18.11.22 These are the current service times at Rothley Parish Church
Full details of all our Church services including which ones are Live Streamed can be found HERE
Services live streamed can be viewed at Rothley Parish Church YouTube channel
9.30am Morning Service with Choir and Organ every Sunday apart from a 5th Sunday
2nd Sunday Said Holy Communion.
10.30am Tea and coffee served
11.00am Morning Service with Children's Work on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays
Our 11am service is more family orientated with contemporary worship, sunday school and youth groups.
2nd Sunday will usually be Choral Evensong.
See home page for occasional other evening services.
4.00pm All year - Shine First Sunday of the month
Contemporary Shine Service for all ages.
Monthly Prayer Meeing
This is held in the Church on 4th Sunday evening of each month from 6.00pm to 6:45pm, and is an informal time of prayer - specifically for the task of evangelism in our ever growing community, but also for the wider needs of the Church and community. It is led by members of the fellowship and is open to everyone.
Recent online service recordings are available on the webcasts page and on our YouTube channel.