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Parochial Church Council (PCC)

The PCC, or Parochial Church Council, is a corporate body with charitable status. It comprises both clergy and lay (i.e. not clergy!) members of the church, and therefore has both those elected by members of the Church Electoral Roll and others who sit on the PCC by virtue of a particular office they hold within the church. Together they are responsible for the overall wellbeing, practical as well as spiritual, of our church, our church members and the church buildings. It is responsible for all matters of general concern and importance to the parish, including deciding how funds are spent. The PCC also has a duty to promote the mission of the church within the wider community. 

The PCC has Officer roles – a Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. These are usually elected to office at its first meeting after the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM).

The minutes from the last PCC meeting are on the noticeboard in the entrance to church for anyone to read and respond to. Approved minutes from recent PCC meetings are also available below (but there will be a timelag because they are not approved until the next meeting i.e. minutes for the May meeting are not approved until the next meeting in July). Please talk to a PCC member if you have any queries.

PCC members from 2nd April 2023 are as follows:

  • Revd Rob Gladstone (Vicar, Chair)
  • Margaret Rouse (Churchwarden - from end of May)
  • Fred Sleath (Churchwarden - from end of May)
  • Susan Pinkus (PCC Secretary)
  • Sue Wilson (Treasurer)
  • Liz Barker
  • Wendy Ferguson
  • Chris Garnett
  • Nigel Willey
  • David Hodgson
  • Margaret Leverment
  • Wendy Lewis
  • Alison Parkinson
  •  Susie Clark
  • Linda Poole
  • Ray Prince
  • David Wilson 

There is also a Business Committee  which sets the agenda for the PCC meeting.

The three priority areas are:

(prayer life, home groups, leadership training)

Alison Godfrey

(both amongst those living alone and young mums)

Wendy Ferguson

Population Growth
(using the opportunities the new school provides)


The four immediate concerns are:

Operations and Finance
(daily running of the church and OSR)

Mike Ferguson /  
Angela Neill            

Mission Autumn 2018
(with Bishop Martyn)

Linda Poole

(internal and external)

Alison Parkinson /
Jenny Pilbeam


Church Building improvement Plan
(to pass on a building fit for purpose to the next generation)

Jonty Pilbeam

PCC Meeting Minutes

PCC Minutes from the meetings in the last twelve months are provided below. The most recent Annual Report is also available for download from the Legal page.

. PCC Minutes 13/5/24PCC Minutes 13/5/24

2024 APCM Agenda

2023 Annual Report


Jan 2024 PCC Minutes


Nov 2023 PCC Minutes

Dec 2023 Minutes of Extraordinary Open Parochial Church Council Meeting re:Minister Communities

Oct 2023 Church Building update

Sept 2023 PCC Minutes

July 2023 PCC Minutes

2023 APCM Agenda

2022 Annual Report

Minutes of 2022 Annual Parochial Church Meeting

 PCC Minutes January 2023

 PCC Minutes 21st November 2022

PCC Minutes September 19th 2022

PCC Minutes May 9th 2022

 PCC Minutes 7th March 2022

 PCC Minutes 24th January 2022

 PCC Minutes 22nd November 2021

 PCC Minutes 20th September 2021 


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