Youth Team
We believe that everyone needs to hear the "Good News" of Jesus; whether they are a child, teenager or adult. The Youth Team provide opportunities for young people (of Secondary School age ie. 11-18 years) to do just that.
At the moment we have two groups.
GRID ( For 11-14 year olds) meets on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month during the 11am service, to study the bible and learn what it means to be a Christian.
YOOF OFF THE GRID (11-16 year olds) meets roughly once a month on a Friday evening 7.45-9.15pm. Most meetings take place in the Old School Rooms. These offer a chance to enjoy each others company and play games, as well as time to chat and reflect on following Jesus. Once or twice a term we have an event or organise a trip out (eg. Bowling, Crazy Golf etc).
Once a year we organise a weekend away at the Oakes, a Christian activity centre.
Currently there is no group running for older teens but we will keep this under review as needs change. It might be possible to offer one-to-one bible studies.
For more details contact our Youth Team co-ordinator, Liz Barker. Email