
The Bible teaches that the primary responsibility for teaching children about Jesus lies with their parents and carers, supported by the whole church family. 

There are many great resources available to help families to enjoy the Bible together at home. Here are a few that we recommend:

  • Beginning with God
    Beginning with God helps parents with young children (from 2 to 5 years) to explore the Bible with their child. It provides a simple and fun way to start your child in a regular habit of reading God's word and growing to know God, who loves them. Beginning with God has been designed to work with The Beginner's Bible.
  • Table Talk
    Table Talk is for families with children from 4 years and up to use for daily Bible times. Each day takes about five minutes, maybe at breakfast or after an evening meal. Choose whatever time suits you best as a family.
  • XTB (eXplore The Bible)
    XTB Bible is a range of Bible reading notes designed especially for 7-10 year olds. The Bible passages are the same each day for Table Talk and XTB - so you can use the two books together, or on their own. Whichever suits you best.

Outside of the church, there are great organisations like The Oakes that provide holiday weekends aimed at encouraging families to discover the Bible together. Here are a few that we recommend:


The Oakes is a Holiday Centre where the Christian message is shared, Christians are encouraged in their faith and everyone will have a fantastic experience. They run a variety of camps and also special weekends. These camps are popular, so book soon!

For more info please contact us via email or phone  0116 230 2626.

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