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Update for the life of Rothley Parish Church

UPDATED: 08 Jul 2021 (see section on Church Services)

Dear Rothley Parish Church family,

Brothers and sisters, as promised an update on how we plan to continue to function as a Church, now we have had the guidance from the House of Bishops. In light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice on restrictions related to public worship until further notice. 

Firstly, a huge thanks to all you are doing to give expression to being Church in this place, the care, the phone calls, the online support - so much I have heard is already going on. This is our plan - there will be teething problems and not all of it will work immediately, but please bear with us as we work towards this.

Church services: Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, we will hold the following  said services in the church building during July and August - 10.00am Sunday Morning Service and 6.00pm Sunday evening service. In addition, the evening service wil be simultaneously live streamed on the Rothley Church YouTube channel. For those who can’t access this, there will be an outline of the service emailed to all and printed copies will be hand delivered to those we know can’t receive emails.

Church opening: The church building is currently closed during the week, except for private prayer on Mondays and Thursdays 11am to 5pm from 12th April 2021.

Group Meetings: We are encouraging those that are able to do so, to explore what they can do online, via Zoom, FacetimeSkypeSignal etc. and for others to remain in regular contact with each other by phone. 

Pastoral care: Jean Arkley and I will continue to be in contact with each other to co-ordinate Pastoral Care, and if you are aware of any particular needs or prayer requests, especially concerning hospital or bereavement please let us know either via: 

Church Office 0116 230226 email: welcome@rothleychurch.org.uk or 
to me 0116 2302241 email: rob.gladstone@btconnect.com

Prayer:  We plan to keep to our normal times of corporate prayer:
Sunday 10:00am and 6:00pm
Tuesday 6:30pm
Thursday 12 noon

In addition I will be praying in Church at the start of most days. Please join in at home and and some resources to support this can be found on Thy Kingdom Come website. The confidential Prayer Circle will continue to operate.

APCM: This Annual Church Meeting and the associated elections for Wardens, PCC and Deanery Synod has been postponed, probably until autumn. Everyone who is currently in post will continue until the new date.

Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals: The National Church of England is currently updating guidelines on these and we will follow the guidance as it emerges. 

Evangelism: God has not been taken by surprise by the current situation and so the work of evangelism continues. Many of us will find our ‘frontline’ has changed and there are new opportunities to speak about Jesus Christ that had formally seemed closed. Please pray for one another as we take these opportunities.

Finances: Most of the running costs of Church will continue as normal, so please continue to give through standing orders. If you give through envelopes or the collection plate, please continue to set aside this money and we will find a way to gather it in due course.

Foodbank: We anticipate, that due to both uncertainties about benefits and the effect of recent panic buying at supermarkets,  there will be a sustained increase in the need for the food bank so do please continue to make regular donations. These can be dropped off at the Baptist Church 9:00-12:00am on Mondays.   

Communication: From time to time I will be putting brief messages or times of prayer on the internet. At the moment I am using the Rothley Parish Church official Facebook group, but this will expand to other platforms as I get my head around the technology to do so.

For as long as possible, we will be sending out a weekly update/notice sheet and including the service outline etc to those of you for whom we have email addresses, and in a paper form to those of you who do not have a computer, generally on a Friday or Saturday.

There is a message from Martyn Snow, Bishop of Leicester by following this link:

Romans 15:13,  "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"

by Rob Gladstone, 19th March 2020 

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